The Summer Produce Share includes 20 weeks of pickups starting mid to late May on Hyde Park Square. We no longer offer CSA pickup in Madison, IN. Our CSA is MARKET STYLE and inclues our pastured EGGS as part of the weekly options. Here's how it works:
• Shares are paid for in full before the beginning of the season and customized each week at the pickup.
• It is the responsibility of each member to use up their weekly allowance of points. Members must be sure to spend their weekly average at each pickup or those points will be lost. Unused credits will not carry over from week to week. For example, small share size members have up to 20 points to spend at each pickup. Using the honor system, it will be up to each member to ensure that they are within their spending limits each week. Read more here for share size details and examples.
• To accommodate vacations and days that members are unable to pickup, we allow members to miss up to 4 days throughout the summer program and not lose their weekly points. When using a makeup day, members may double their weekly points to makeup for an absense. For example, a small share makeup day will be 40 points of spending. We track makeup days using an attendance sheet each week.
• In order to give each member the opportunity to have a full selection to choose from, items that we anticipate will sell out at our market booth will be reserved at special CSA tables set up for members. This includes eggs.
• To ensure that everyone receives their fair share of the popular items that may be chosen more quickly, or if yields are low a particular crop, we may set limits on certain items. The flip side of this is that members will be offered discounts on items that are abundant.
WEEKLY PICKUP LOCATION & TIME:Sundays on Hyde Park Square, 9:30am to 1pm, late May through early October; 2700 Erie Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45208 *CSA items are only reserved until 11:30, but members may still pickup until 1pm from our main market tent.
Would you like your membership to be automatically renewed every season? If so, then consider becoming a Sustaining Member! Good farming means taking the long view. The health of our soil, water, air and community does not function within the tight paper margins of the accounting year, but rather, it is a continual, cyclic process. This holistic approach allows members to be a more than a group of annual customers. Community Supported Agriculture is the foundation of a sustainable farm. In a world that is full of variables, knowing that we have a group of friends who will support us for the long haul is invaluable.
By choosing to become a Sustaining Member, you agree to be part of our CSA every season. At the end of each season, Sustaining Members will automatically be enrolled in the subsequent season (fall and summer). For our members who have been with us for many seasons, this is a great way to avoid filling out the same form every year! While the CSA enrollment will be automatic, your payment will still be manual, and you will receive a billing reminder. If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from participating in one or more CSA seasons, you may opt out of your long-term commitment before payment for a particular season has been made. Become a Sustaining Member today and help us continue to practice regenerative agriculture for many seasons to come!
*While we accept PayPal and credits cards for share payment, checks are our preferred method of payment for CSA because they keep our payment processing fees down. Thank you!
CSA Share, Summer Produce (Cincinnati Only)
Before checking out, please take a moment to read our CSA Member Agreement by clicking here.